Power BI DAX


Using TOPN in a DAX measurement

Using TOPN in a DAX Measure is more complex than you might expect. Learn all about it while improving your understanding of filter context in this video.

Save space on your Dashboard

When you build a dashboard in Power BI, you need to make sure your pages don't get cluttered. There are ways to save space in Power BI, watch this video to learn all about it.

TopN and others in DAX and M code

To create a barchart that shows the Top 5 customers and all other customers combined in a sixth bar, you need to write some DAX or M code. In this video I will show both.

DAX Optimization

A Power BI report can sometimes become slow. Very annoying for its users. Often this is due to slow DAX. How can you do something about that? Here is the video in which I explain this during a presentation to the Dutch PBI Users Group.

DAX: Difference between FILTER and CALCULATETABLE

In the world of DAX formulas, the two formulas that get mixed up the most are FILTER and CALCULATETABLE. This is due to the fact that they actually produce the same result in certain scenarios. For example, when a Matrix is created on the canvas in which a filter is applied to a single dimension table (in [...]