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You've completed your Power BI report, distributed it to report users and now you're done, right?

No, actually you are just getting started! 🚀 I have been a Power BI consultant for almost 7 years and in my experience, the hardest part of Power BI is producing a report that is actually used by your report users. Just sending an email to your users with a link to the report has to [...]
Flow Design a report

When you start developing a new report in Power BI, turn off your computer!

It sounds a bit strange, I understand, but let me explain: Before you open up your laptop and turn it on, you want to make sure you've first determined what you're going to do. Go low-tech! Technology only gets in the way of your common sense and creativity during this phase. Just use a [...]

Soft skills are more important than hard skills

When it comes to #powerbi, soft skills are more important than hard skills! Let me give you an example: A data analyst built a terrible report that is ugly, slow to respond, poorly designed, and provides a terrible user experience. 👎🏻 But, the analyst made sure that the report users were involved from the beginning, organized thorough user kick-off [...]

Combine multiple Excel sheets

How do you combine multiple Excel sheets in #powerbi, even when the structure is different? Learn all about it in this short video!

The four Power BI roles

#Powerbi users can actually be divided into four different roles. Read all about it in this article. Introduction When we talk about "the Power BI user", I find it useful to distinguish between four different types of users. They all require a different approach when it comes to training, guidance, software, and licenses. For [...]